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Are Religious Practices Indirectly Related to Stress at Work Through the Tendency to Forgive? A Sample of Polish Employees

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All your life you’re told forgiveness is for you. But we’re never told why it’s for you. It means you’re working on owning your life.
Shani Tran
Therapist and Founder, The Shani Project
Forgiveness is nothing less than the way we heal the world. We heal the world by healing each and every one of our hearts. The process is simple, but it is not easy.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu
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Are Religious Practices Indirectly Related to Stress at Work Through the Tendency to Forgive? A Sample of Polish Employees

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Religiosity has been a neglected factor in studies regarding the workplace in comparison to spirituality. Some available studies have indicated positive outcomes of religious commitment and intrinsically religious-oriented employees. There is however a lack of research explaining how religious commitment is related to occupational well-being. This study aimed to examine the mechanism of the relationship between religious practices and stress at work and the role of forgiveness as a moral virtue underlying this link. The participants in the study were 754 employees from Poland. The research used a cross-sectional design. The mechanism controlled for gender, denomination, age, education, and the level of position held, and the indirect relationship between prayer and mass attendance and stress at work through forgiveness was confirmed. Religious practices were positively related to a lack of revenge and avoidance motivation, which, in turn, was negatively correlated with stress at work. The role of religious commitment in occupational well-being was discussed, considering socio-cultural conditioning, and the theoretical and practical implications were presented.

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